Our friend Fred from the flatlands of western Iowa forwarded the following video as a reminder that EAA Airventure 2010 starts Monday. The last two years the women that lets me live with her was gracious enough to send me there with a friend for the week. This year we going to make it a family affair and go up for just day to get a little airplane fix and introduce the little Salmon to the world of aviation.
As Fred said in his email "This will get the blood pumping."
Thx Fred.
Photo: Cockpit of a SR 71 Blackbird. Lets see... stick check, rudders-check, throttle-check, little ball thingy that tells you which side is up- check. Hell I could fly that thing.
1 comment:
For an aviation-o-phile, the Blackbird must be just amazing.
I once said, "I'll come back to Iowa when salmon start running up the Cedar River." Ironically, you never know where life's path may lead and after 20 years in Alaska I find myself once again back in Iowa. You can join me here on the banks of the Cedar River as I patiently await the return of the elusive Cedar River Salmon.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain
1 comment:
For an aviation-o-phile, the Blackbird must be just amazing.
Good stuff, Scott.
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